Official Personnel Folders
Related Entities
There are 2 Entities related to this resource.
United States. Third Isthmian Canal Commission (corporateBody)
The Third Isthmian Canal Commission was established by an Executive order of April 1, 1905, because of the unsatisfactory work of the Second Isthmian Canal Commission. It was responsible for work on the canal. It consisted of seven members appointed by the President; Theodore P. Shonts chaired the Commission. It was abolished effective April 1, 1914, by Executive Order 1885 of January 27, 1914, pursuant to the Panama Canal Act of 1912 (37 Stat. 560), approved May 24, 1912, with government functi...
United States. Second Isthmian Canal Commission (corporateBody)
The Second Isthmian Canal Commission was appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt on March 8, 1904. By Presidential order of May 9, 1904, under authority of the Panama Canal Act of 1902 (32 Stat. 481), approved June 28, 1902, and the Panama Canal Act of 1904 (33 Stat. 429), approved April 28, 1904, the Secretary of War was made supervisor of canal construction and the Second Isthmian Canal Commission was vested with all Canal Zone government power. The Commission consisted of seven members, app...